I have written a jQuery plugin which I call the "Sliderizer".
To use it, simply create an un-ordered list like such:
<ul class="someList">
<li>Slide 1</li>
<li>Slide 2</li>
<li>Slide 3</li>
<li>Slide 4</li>
then select it, and call the Sliderizer like so:
$('.someList').sliderize({ height: 200, width: 200, direction : "vertical" });
$('#toSliderize').sliderize({ height: 200, width: 200, direction : "horizontal", speed: "2000" });
You can configure it with the following options:
height : integer (defaults to 300)
width : integer (defaults to 300)
speed : integer (defaults to 1000) -This is milliseconds for animation, 1000 = 1 second
direction : string (default to horizontal) -This can be horizontal or vertical
Below is some code I have written. Feel free to copy and paste it into a js file and use in a project. Please leave my name and link to my blog. Cross Browser friendly, just needs some CSS. If you have any questions or reccommendations, please feel free to email me. Enjoy!
$.fn.sliderize = function(options)
//function by Brendon Irwin | 2011 | http://bren1818.blogspot.com/ | bren1818@gmail.com
//Last update: May 28th 2011
//Helper function for animating
function slideTheSlide(slider, direction, distance, speed){
var theDistance = 0;
speed = parseInt(speed);
var theId = '#' + slider;
if( direction == "left" || direction == "up" ){
theDistance = (distance * -1);
}else if( direction == "right" || direction == "down" ){ //right or up
theDistance = distance;
if( direction == "left" || direction == "right"){
$(theId + ' li').each(function(){
var thisPos = $(this).position();
left: (thisPos.left + theDistance) + 'px'
}, speed, function() {
// Animation complete.
//Re-enable buttons
var first = $(theId + ' li').first().position();
var last = $(theId + ' li').last().position();
if( first.left == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", false);
if( last.left == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", false);
if( direction == "up" || direction == "down"){
$(theId + ' li').each(function(){
var thisPos = $(this).position();
top: (thisPos.top + theDistance) + 'px'
}, speed, function() {
// Animation complete.
//Re-enable buttons
var first = $(theId + ' li').first().position();
var last = $(theId + ' li').last().position();
if( first.top == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", false);
if( last.top == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", false);
}//end slideTheSlide
//set defaults
var defaults = {
height: "300",
width: "300",
speed: "1000",
direction: "horizontal"
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
//If there are one or more elements, return them
return this.each(function(index) {
//check if item has an id, if not give it one
var thisId = "";
var listID ="";
if ($(this).attr('id')) {
thisId = $(this).attr('id') + '_sliderized';
listID = $(this).attr('id');
} else {
thisId = "sliderList_" + index + '_sliderized';
listID = "sliderList_" + index;
$(this).attr('id', listID );
$(this).wrap('<div id="' + thisId + '" class="sliderized" />');
$(this).wrap('<div class="sliderizedContainer"/>');
$('#' + thisId + ' .sliderizedContainer').css({'position' : 'relative','height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px', 'overflow' : 'hidden'});
$(this).css({'position' : 'absolute','float' : 'left', 'height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px', 'display' : 'block'});
if( options.direction == "horizontal"){
$(this).css({'left' : (index * options.width) + 'px'});
$(this).css({'top' : (-1 * (index * options.height)) + 'px'});
$(this).wrapInner('<div class="sliderizedSlide"/>');
$('#' + listID + ' .sliderizedSlide').css({'position' : 'relative','height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px'}); //size the slide
$('#' + thisId).css({'height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px'});
$('#' + thisId).append('<div class="sliderized_controls" id="' + thisId + '_controls"/>');
$('#' + thisId + '_controls').append('<button class="prevClick">Previous</button>');
$('#' + thisId + '_controls .prevClick').click(function(){
$(this).attr("disabled", true);
if( options.direction == "horizontal"){
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "right", options.width, options.speed );
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "up", options.width, options.speed );
$('#' + thisId + '_controls').append('<button class="nextClick">Next</button>');
$('#' + thisId + '_controls .nextClick').click(function(){
$(this).attr("disabled", true);
if( options.direction == "horizontal"){
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "left", options.width, options.speed );
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "down", options.width, options.speed );
$('#' + thisId + '_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", true); //disable previous at start
});// endeach function
};//end function sliderize
})(jQuery);//end function decleration
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