Wednesday, June 8, 2011


If any of you work on E-stores, you probably have come across, or developed a store using Magento. Magento is a powerful php e-store, which is flexible, configurable, fairly easy to style and nice to work with. The other thing I really like about Magento is the community. It is rare that you run into an issue in Magento which you can't fix with a quick Google. There are plenty of forums and websites devoted to Magento help. Seeing as how I have now developed a few Magento sites, this time around  decided to document the problems one will typically run into. I have layed some of this out, and with luck, it will help someone out.

Remove Components (hide em)
System > Cofiguration > Advanced and disable ex:  Mage_Newsletter

Change Layout
Open the \app\design\frontend\nameofProj\default\layout\catalog.xml

<block type="page/html" name="root" output="toHtml" template="current Template">
<block type="page/html" name="root" output="toHtml" template="page/2columns-right.phtml">
eg: one-column.phtml

File Locations

Product View Template

Image Maginifcation for product

Varients Code Location

Bottom of product Code Location

Menu for Categories

-simply add list items here with custom links which may not be in the categories by default
<?php echo $_menu ?>
<li id="storeHome" class="level0 nave-1 level-top first parent">
        <a class="level-top" href="/index.php">

Header of Site
/*This is where you can change the logo, modify the top links etc*/

Footer of Site
-comment out <?php echo $this->getCopyright() ?> replace with your own code etc

Grid/List view Code
-This is where you can chane image sizes and which details are shown on the home page

toolbar for pages

page numbers in pagination  - you can change your divider ~line 94

/*change formatting of breadcrumbs*/

Login Page



Shopping Cart


Sub Categories Page

Use JQuery on pages:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/pathTo/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); //alias jquery with j$
$j('button.button span span').html(""); /*can be used to hide span text and fix some bugs if using images*/

Links to Sitemap
/catalog/seo_sitemap/product/ -product sitemap
/catalog/seo_sitemap/category/ -category sitemap

Hide index.php in the store view:
In admin, System>Configuration>Web Tab. Under Search Engine Optimization, change User Webserver rewrites to Yes.

Check if a user is logged in:

if( $this->helper('customer')->isLoggedIn() ){
<li class="level0 nav-cat1"><a href="/customer/account/login/"><span>logout</span></a></li>
<li class="level0 nav-cat1"><a href="/customer/account/login/"><span>login</span></a></li>
<?php } ?>

Display Product Skus: (for product page)
<p class="itemSku">Item #<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getSku()) ?></p>

Change the number of displayed products in list/grid view:

Admin -> System > Catalog > frontend
and: app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/catalog.xml

Embed Contact form in CMS page:

{{block type="core/template" name="contactForm" form_action="/contacts/index/post" template="contacts/form.phtml"}}

Get the Sub-Category Page to display Images: (replace your

\app\design\frontend\YourPath\default\template\catalog\category\view.phtml with below code)

$_category = $this->getCurrentCategory();
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($_category->entity_id);

$rootcat = $_category->entity_id;
$cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($rootcat);
$child = $cat->getChildren();
//echo $child;

$helper = Mage::helper('catalog/category');
$_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output');
<div class="category-custom-products">
<td valign="top" width="405">
<h1 class="page-title"><?php echo $_helper->categoryAttribute($_category, $_category->getName(), 'name') ?></h1>
$_imgUrl = $_category->getImageUrl();
echo '<img id="ProductCategoryImage" src="'.$_imgUrl.'"/>';

<td width="40">

<td valign="top">
<div class="products-grid categories-grid">

<?foreach ($collection as $cat):?>
<?php if($_category->getIsActive()):?>
$cur_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($cat->getId());
$_imgUrl = $cur_category->getImageUrl();
<div class="categoryItem">
<a class="categoryImageLink" href="<?php echo $helper->getCategoryUrl($cat);?>"><?php echo '<img class="categoryImg" width="216" height="180" id="ProductCategoryImage" src="'.$_imgUrl.'"/>'; ?></a>
<a class="categoryProductLink" href="<?php echo $helper->getCategoryUrl($cat);?>"><?php echo $cat->getName();?></a>
<a class="viewDetailsLink" href="<?php echo $helper->getCategoryUrl($cat);?>">view details</a>

<?php endif?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php echo $this->getProductListHtml() ?>

Hope this helps someone out. I'll try to add to it if I learn something interesting.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Advanced Image Scaling & Preloading - Jquery

Hi All, this is my second jQuery plugin I have written, and again want to contribute to the world. Feel free to use in any fashion you like, but please leave my name, link to blog, and email in the source code.

This plugin is called "imgResizer" and it is for pre-loading and scaling images.

You can configure it with the following options:
height : integer               (defaults to 300)
width  : integer              (defaults to 300)

loadingImage : string     (defaults to "images/loading.gif")
failImage: string             (defaults to "images/fail.png")
autoCenterImage: string (defaults to "true")

**note the autoCenterImage uses relative & absolute position. If it is set to true, the image will always sit within a box with the height and width as specified. If it is set to false, the image will just be scaled to the dimensions and pre-loaded.

***you will need to create or find a loading image and fail image, and place them in your images folder.

$.fn.imgResize = function(options) 
//function by Brendon Irwin | 2011 | |
//Last update: May 24th 2011

//set defaults
var defaults = {
  height: "300",
  width: "300",
  loadingImage: "images/loading.gif",
  failImage: "images/fail.png",
  autoCenterImage: "true"
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
//If there are one or more elements, return them  
return this.each(function() {
$(this).wrap('<div class="loader" style="height: ' + options.height + '; width: ' + options.width +'; overflow: hidden; position: relative; background-image: url(' + options.loadingImage + '); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; "/>');
//load the image
$(this).css({'background-image' : 'url(' + options.loadingImage + ')', 'background-position' : 'center', 'background-repeat' : 'no-repeat'});
//load complete, begin scaling
var maxWidth = options.width; // Max width for the image 
var maxHeight = options.height;     // Max height for the image
var ratio = 0;   // Used for aspect ratio
var width = $(this).width();     // Current image width
var height = $(this).height();   // Current image height

// Check if the current width is larger than the max
if(width > maxWidth){
ratio = maxWidth / width;   // get ratio for scaling image
$(this).css("width", maxWidth); // Set new width
$(this).css("height", height * ratio);   // Scale height based on ratio
height = height * ratio;     // Reset height to match scaled image
width = width * ratio;     // Reset width to match scaled image

// Check if current height is larger than max
if(height > maxHeight){
ratio = maxHeight / height; // get ratio for scaling image
$(this).css("height", maxHeight);   // Set new height
$(this).css("width", width * ratio);     // Scale width based on ratio
width = width * ratio;     // Reset width to match scaled image

if(height == maxHeight)
$(this).css("top", "0px");

if(options.autoCenterImage == "true")
$(this).css('position', 'absolute');
//center left
if( width  <= options.width){
var lef= ( (options.width- parseInt(width) ) / 2 ) + 'px'; 
$(this).css('left', lef);
$(this).css('left', '0px');

//center top
if( height < options.height) {
var top = ( (options.height - parseInt(height) ) / 2 ) + 'px';  
$(this).css('top', top );

if(height == options.height){
$(this).css('top', '0px' );
}else{ //No Auto-Centering
var w, h;
h = $(this).height() + 'px';
w = $(this).width() + 'px';
$(this).parent().css('height' , h );//, $(this).width() + 'px' });
$(this).parent().css('width' , w );

//Fade image in
$(this).fadeIn(5000, function() { 
$(this).parent().css({'background-image' : 'url(none)'});
});//end fadeIn function

});// end load function

$(this).error(function() {
$(this).attr('src' , options.failImage);
$(this).load(function(){ $(this).css({'display':'none'}); },function(){
//fade image in
$(this).fadeIn(5000, function() {
$(this).css({'background-image' : 'url(none)'});
});//end fadeIn
});//end load
});//end error

});// endeach function
};//end function resize
})(jQuery);//end function deceleration

Simple Slider jQuery component

Hi All, I am sure if you're a web developer, you have used jQuery, or a jQuery plugin. I sure know I have, but now, I want to contribute one.

I have written a jQuery plugin which I call the "Sliderizer".

To use it, simply create an un-ordered list like such:

<ul class="someList">
   <li>Slide 1</li>
   <li>Slide 2</li>
   <li>Slide 3</li>
   <li>Slide 4</li>

then select it, and call the Sliderizer like so:

$('.someList').sliderize({ height: 200, width: 200, direction : "vertical" });
$('#toSliderize').sliderize({ height: 200, width: 200, direction : "horizontal", speed: "2000" });

You can configure it with the following options:
height : integer     (defaults to 300)
width  : integer     (defaults to 300)
speed : integer     (defaults to 1000) -This is milliseconds for animation, 1000 = 1 second
direction : string   (default to horizontal)  -This can be horizontal or vertical

Below is some code I have written. Feel free to copy and paste it into a js file and use in a project. Please leave my name and link to my blog. Cross Browser friendly, just needs some CSS. If you have any questions or reccommendations, please feel free to email me. Enjoy!

$.fn.sliderize = function(options) 
//function by Brendon Irwin | 2011 | |
//Last update: May 28th 2011

//Helper function for animating
function slideTheSlide(slider, direction, distance, speed){
var theDistance = 0;
speed = parseInt(speed);
var theId = '#' + slider;
if( direction == "left" || direction == "up" ){
theDistance = (distance * -1);
}else if( direction == "right" || direction == "down" ){ //right or up
theDistance = distance;

if( direction == "left" || direction == "right"){
$(theId + ' li').each(function(){
var thisPos = $(this).position();
left: (thisPos.left + theDistance) + 'px'
}, speed, function() {
// Animation complete.
//Re-enable buttons
var first = $(theId + ' li').first().position();
var last = $(theId + ' li').last().position();

if( first.left == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", false);

if( last.left == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", false);

if( direction == "up" || direction == "down"){
$(theId + ' li').each(function(){
var thisPos = $(this).position();
top: ( + theDistance) + 'px'
}, speed, function() {
// Animation complete.
//Re-enable buttons
var first = $(theId + ' li').first().position();
var last = $(theId + ' li').last().position();

if( == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", false);

if( == 0){
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", true);
$(theId + '_sliderized_controls .nextClick').attr("disabled", false);
}//end slideTheSlide

//set defaults
var defaults = {
  height: "300",
  width: "300",
  speed: "1000",
  direction: "horizontal"
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
//If there are one or more elements, return them  
return this.each(function(index) {
//check if item has an id, if not give it one
var thisId = "";
var listID ="";

if ($(this).attr('id')) {
thisId = $(this).attr('id') +  '_sliderized';
listID = $(this).attr('id');
} else {
thisId = "sliderList_" + index + '_sliderized';
listID = "sliderList_" + index;
$(this).attr('id', listID );

$(this).wrap('<div id="' + thisId + '" class="sliderized" />');
$(this).wrap('<div class="sliderizedContainer"/>');

$('#' + thisId + ' .sliderizedContainer').css({'position' : 'relative','height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px', 'overflow' : 'hidden'});

$(this).css({'position' : 'absolute','float' : 'left', 'height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px', 'display' : 'block'});
if( options.direction == "horizontal"){
$(this).css({'left' : (index * options.width) + 'px'});
$(this).css({'top' : (-1 * (index * options.height)) + 'px'});
$(this).wrapInner('<div class="sliderizedSlide"/>');  

$('#' + listID + ' .sliderizedSlide').css({'position' : 'relative','height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px'}); //size the slide

$('#' + thisId).css({'height' : options.height + 'px', 'width' : options.width + 'px'});
$('#' + thisId).append('<div class="sliderized_controls" id="' + thisId + '_controls"/>');

$('#' + thisId + '_controls').append('<button class="prevClick">Previous</button>');

$('#' + thisId + '_controls .prevClick').click(function(){
$(this).attr("disabled", true);
if( options.direction == "horizontal"){
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "right",  options.width, options.speed );
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "up",  options.width, options.speed );

$('#' + thisId + '_controls').append('<button class="nextClick">Next</button>');
$('#' + thisId + '_controls .nextClick').click(function(){
$(this).attr("disabled", true);
if( options.direction == "horizontal"){
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "left",  options.width, options.speed );
slideTheSlide(listID.toString(), "down",  options.width, options.speed );

$('#' + thisId + '_controls .prevClick').attr("disabled", true); //disable previous at start

});// endeach function
};//end function sliderize
})(jQuery);//end function decleration